People are able to access more information than ever before. Personal digital assistants led to smartphones, and now there are smart watches, smart thermostats, and even smart refrigerators. Personal computers used to be the norm. Now the internet allows any item that’s online-capable to access valuable information. This ability for devices to garner and then relay information for data analysis is referred to as IoT.
Many services can assist and drive end-to-end solutions for IoT on Azure.
Service name | Description |
IoT Central | Fully managed global IoT software as a service (SaaS) solution that makes it easy to connect, monitor, and manage IoT assets at scale. |
Azure IoT Hub | Messaging hub that provides secure communications between and monitoring of millions of IoT devices. |
IoT Edge | Fully managed service that allows data analysis models to be pushed directly onto IoT devices, which allows them to react quickly to state changes without needing to consult cloud-based AI models. |