16 articles Docker

Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at tcp:// when using WSL2 and Docker Desktop

When you were running Docker in WSL2 and got this error message “Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at tcp:// Is the docker daemon running?” Instead, turn on “Expose daemon on tcp://localhost:2375 without TLS” option and use the DOCKER_HOST variable which considers security risk. The best option is enabled WSL Integration in Docker Desktop. i.e.…

Docker Enterprise

Docker Enterprise provides a consistent and secure end-to-end application pipeline, choice of tools and languages, and globally consistent Kubernetes environments that run in any cloud. Docker Enterprise automates many of the tasks that oschestration requires, like provisioning pods, containers, and cluster resources. Self-healing component ensure that Docker Enterprise clusters remain highly available. Docker Engine Enterprise…

Docker Network Type

Type Use Case None To disable all network. This is not available for swarm services Host To remove network isolation. Container uses host network Bridge For multiple containers to communicate on the same docker host. Overlay Networks For multiple containers to communicate on different docker hosts. Macvlan Legacy applications that need containers to look like…