Integrating AWS CodeCommit with Jenkins 1. Create an IAM user name ‘jenkins’ 2. Save the access key ID and the secret key for jenkins user 3. Attach the managed policy named AWSCodeCommitPowerUser to the IAM user you created. 4. Configure the AWS CLI. cd ~jenkins sudo -u jenkins aws configure 5. Configure Git to use IAM credentials and an…

Install Jenkins on Amazon Linux EC2 Instance

1. Login to your Amazon Linux instance. 2. Become root using ‘sudo su -‘ command. 3. Update your repositories #yum update 4. Get Jenkins repository #wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo 5. Get Jenkins repository key   #rpm –import 6. Install Jenkins package  #yum install jenkins 7. Start Jenkins #service jenkins start 8. Start automatically at…