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Traceroute is a tool to trace the path between two hosts.

Functionality: Traceroute shows all Layer 3 (routing layer) hops between the hosts. This is achieved by sending packets to the remote destination with increasing TTL (Time To Live) value (starting at 1). The TTL field is a field in the IP packet which gets decreased by one at every router. Once the TTL hits zero,…

Sending email using telnet command

Open your command prompt. Now, connect with telnet using the following command: telnet example.com 25 Type ehlo example.com. Some servers also accept helo in place of ehlo. ehlo example.com Type mail from: username@example.com: mail from: username@example.com Type rcpt to: friend@hotmail.com, friend2@yahoo.com (replace with your actual recipient name): rcpt to: user1@gmail.com, user2@gmail.com To write the message – type data, followed…