5 articles Auto Scaling

AWS Auto Scaling lifecycle hooks

Auto Scaling lifecycle hooks enable you to perform custom actions as Auto Scaling launches or terminates instances. For example, you could install or configure software on newly launched instances, or download log files from an instance before it terminates. After you add lifecycle hooks to your Auto Scaling group, they work as follows: Auto Scaling…

AWS Auto Scaling Terminate policy

The default termination policy is designed to help ensure that your network architecture spans Availability Zones evenly. When using the default termination policy, Auto Scaling selects an instance to terminate as follows: Auto Scaling determines whether there are instances in multiple Availability Zones. If so, it selects the Availability Zone with the most instances and…

What is AWS AutoScaling?

Auto Scaling helps you ensure that you have the correct number of Amazon EC2 instances available to handle the load for your application. You create collections of EC2 instances, called Auto Scaling groups. You can specify the minimum number of instances in each Auto Scaling group, and Auto Scaling ensures that your group never goes below…