Auto Scaling helps you ensure that you have the correct number of Amazon EC2 instances available to handle the load for your application. You create collections of EC2 instances, called Auto Scaling groups. You can specify the minimum number of instances in each Auto Scaling group, and Auto Scaling ensures that your group never goes below this size.
You can specify the maximum number of instances in each Auto Scaling group, and Auto Scaling ensures that your group never goes above this size. If you specify the desired capacity, either when you create the group or at any time thereafter, Auto Scaling ensures that your group has this many instances. If you specify scaling policies, then Auto Scaling can launch or terminate instances as demand on your application increases or decreases.
The AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource supports an UpdatePolicy attribute. This is used to define how an Auto Scaling group resource is updated when an update to the CloudFormation stack occurs. A common approach to updating an Auto Scaling group is to perform a rolling update, which is done by specifying the AutoScalingRollingUpdate policy. This retains the same Auto Scaling group and replaces old instances with new ones, according to the parameters specified.
Auto Scaling Lifecycle